Twilio Setup Guide

Note: If you are using a newly added phone number or carrier account or have had messaging stop working unexpectedly, please make sure you have completed your carrier's 10DLC registration process before attempting to utilize Textable. 10DLC registration is required by ALL supported carriers due to the requirements set by the wireless carriers. 

Configuring your Twilio account with Textable is pretty simple and should only take a few minutes.

  1. First, you should login to your console at
  2. Once logged in, go to your settings page at
  3. Here, you will need to copy your Account SID and Access Token into your Textable profile. You can get this by scrolling to the API Credentials section and copy the details from the Live Credentials section.
  4. On your Textable profile, enter the phone number you would like to use.
  5. Click “Update Profile Details” button. 
  6. We must now configure the inbound webhooks for incoming messages.
    1. Go to the Phone Numbers section in Twilio (
    2. Select the phone number that you would like to use with Textable.
    3. Under the Messaging section, select “Configure With” and make sure it is set to “Webhooks, TwiML Bins, Functions…”. 
    4. Under “A Message Comes In,”set the dropdown to “Webhook” and the value to Make sure the HTTP option is set to “HTTP Post”.

      Note: If you are a private label customer, please replace “” with your private label hostname (e.g. “”). You should have received this value in your onboarding e-mail, but can also be requested by e-mailing
    5. Click “Save”

That’s it, you should be able to send and receive messages! 



Textable is a messaging platform for VoIP phone numbers used by individuals, businesses and Managed Service Providers. 

Textable is a product of VoIPCX